Weekly Food Bank Collections
Everyone is encouraged to add items to their weekly shopping list for the local food banks. Items may be left in the baskets at the back of the Church at any time. Our collections benefit the Hereford Food Bank and the North Cluster Food Bank. Once the baskets are full, we transport them and start a new collection. Periodic announcements are made in church for specific items in short supply or in high demand. Items always in high demand include:
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Canned Soups and Stews
Healthy Breakfast Cereal
Laundry Detergent
Personal Hygiene Products
Christmas and Easter Offerings
During these great Feast Days and celebrations in the Church, we always seek to reach out to those in need. Offerings are designated in advance of Easter and Christmas for local, national, or international outreach or relief efforts. Often the offerings are specific to needs or events occurring at the time, such as natural disasters or local needs in our own community. Past recipients have included Bahari Sisters (photo right), hurricane relief in Florida, music programs at Sparks Elementary and Hereford Middle, chaplain resources for deployed troops, the Middle East Fund of Episcopal Relief and Development, and the Student Support Network, to name a few.
Ongoing Outreach
We engage in many other outreach opportunities throughout the year. This includes special collections at the time of natural disasters, school supplies at the end of summer, donations to local organizations such as Paul’s Place, and much more.
Ms. Vicki L. Jones, Founder & Executive Director, Bahari Sisters.